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The spiral heat exchanger of Duplex steel SS UNS31803

admin 15 февраля 2018

BTS Engineering Co. has developed the planning paper trial on manufacturing of Spiral Heat Exchanger of Duplex Steel Duplex SS UNS31803.

Spiral heat exchangers is made of steel the thickness of which is 2,5 mm and the width of the spiral is 2000 mm. The area of heat exchange is 160 m2 with inclusive of clogging.

Duplex S31803 – is the stainless steel with microstructure of austenite and ferrite in equal portions.

It is optimal for using in cases when high standards to mechanical durability and corrosion resistance are presupposed to be.

Horizontal spiral heat exchanger with 4400 kW of thermal output
The heat exchanger will be used for cooling oh Rhenium Sulfate ( Rhenium (VI) Sulfate).
- The area of heat exchanging is 160 m².
- The width of spiral is 2000 mm.
- The diameter of heat-exchange apparatus – 1500 mm.
- The routing of coolant – the counterflow .
- The heat-exchanger is designed to operate under the pressure of coolant of 6, 0 bar.
- The weight of empty heat-exchanger is 5840 kg.

The conception of spiral heat exchanger is made on spinning of 2 or 4 metal strips around the central tube, the strips are welded between each others with a help of interface prickers on ascertain distance creating 2 or 4 channels of the proportionate width. The central tube is divided on 2 parts forming the input and the out collectors. The whole construction is interposed in the cylindrical casing. The outer ends of sheets are welded along the collectors forming remained two input and output manifolds on the cheek of the casing.

The spiral heat exchanger of Duplex steel SS UNS31803

The spiral heat exchanger of Duplex steel SS UNS31803

The spiral heat exchanger of Duplex steel

Spiral Heat Exchangers

admin 11 декабря 2017

Spiral heat exchangers are widely used in different industrial fields due to the benefits over the others heat exchangers types.

  • Spiral heat exchangers for the chemical industry;
  • Spiral heat exchangers for the public utilities;
  • Spiral heat exchangers for the food industries.

Spiral heat exchangers are used in the function of condensers, desiccators, and also for the heating and cooling of liquids, gases and vapor-gas mixtures.

Distillation columns can be assembled with spiral heat exchangers in the function of fractional columns.

Spiral heat exchangers are very effective for elaboration of high-viscosity liquids to dispose the problem of liquids allocation in tubes, and also in treatment of slimes and liquids containing fibrous materials and gaseous impurities.


  • The ability to apply the spiral heat exchangers in “problematic” environments, such as much polluted liquids, corrosion and viscous environments, etc;
  • The high efficiency of spiral heat exchangers in load spectrum; 
  • The little pressure losses inside the spiral heat exchanger’s channels;
  • The tightness of a spiral heat exchanger, respectively the economy of work space.
  • The easy cleaning of sediments of spiral heat exchangers by mechanical or chemical washing methods.
  • The wide range of moving streams and channels types of spiral heat exchangers.
  • The reduction of operational consumptions of spiral head exchanger on the hold-ups, as the clearing is carried out less often and easier than in other types of heat exchangers( shell-tube, laminar, plate)

Spiral heat exchangers for the food industry
Spiral heat exchangers for the food industry
Spiral heat exchangers are fit for the refrigeration of the plant oils, dispersions, solid simples, parts of seeds, grist, etc.  

Spiral heat exchangers for the ethanol plants.
Spiral heat exchangers for the ethanol plants.

The following technologic cycle is used on ethanol and bioethanol plants, where the alcohol production is made by the amylaceous materials:
- Preparation, clearing and shattering of grain;
- Mixing with a hot water that is handed up from the spiral heat exchanger heated to 80-90оC.
The water is heated in spiral heat exchanger; it is called the recuperative spiral heat exchanger of brew house in engineering.
- Spiral heat exchanger of mash cooling after the hydro-fermentative treatment cools mash containing 20-25% solids from 90оC to 60оС ( in case of using hydrolyser) or to 32-35оC ( in schemes that are not used in engineering).

Spiral heat exchangers have a good reputation, unlike the coil pipes in fermenters (incorporated inside the fermenter coil pipes-heat exchangers). They are not cleaned properly because of constructional peculiarities of location and that is why it usually causes microbiological pollution of wash.

The offset spiral heat exchanger for mash cooling is convenient for cleaning. In the process of fermenter washing away the water is pumping trough the spiral heat exchanger.

Spiral heat exchangers recommended it selves in recycling water supply systems with natural resources use that are refrigerants.

Spiral heat exchangers or spiral heat exchangers stand/s on primary tuned circuit – pond, river, impoundment…Spiral heat exchanger is not afraid of biological or mechanical pollutions in recycling water, the reason of which can be accumulations.
Heat exchangers with detachable plate can be easily cleaned and can be used for the heat carriers with hard spots or biological scurf, obstructing rate by that, like in laminar heat exchangers. The heat exchangers with detachable plate can be easily cleaned and used for the heat carriers with hard spots.

Constructional peculiarities of the spiral heat exchangers’ production.

Constructional peculiarities of the spiral heat exchangers’ production.

Dowel bars - the girth rails between spiral heat exchanger’ sheets are used with a purpose of powering up the construction of the spiral heat exchanger. Dowel bars between sheets of the spiral heat exchanger are made by the analogue material as for the spiral heat exchanger. The dowel bars are cramped to the sheet of spiral heat exchanger by sealing method.

Spiral heat exchangers

Spiral heat exchangers have a number of advantages over the other types: laminar, shell-tube heat exchangers.

The main plus point is ability to use spiral heat exchangers for the pumping liquids and mixtures that contain solid particles commensurable between two spiral turns. If, for example, the height between sheets of spiral heat exchanger is 14 mm., then the size of impurities in liquid will amount up 10-12 mm.

Heat Exchangers

admin 16 марта 2017

Heat exchangers are devices built for efficient heat transfer from one medium to another (so that they never mix) and maintenance of processing temperature conditions.

These heat exchangers are efficient even if they are applied when the temperature difference between the mediums is 1оС.

The most common types of heat exchangers:

  • condenser is a heat exchanger that absorbs heat gained by the refrigerant in evaporator from the cooling medium;
  • evaporator is a heat exchanger in which heat is transferred from the cooled medium (heating medium) to the cooling medium (heated medium). The main idea is that one medium should heat or cool another.

Application field: machine-building industry, heating systems, power industry, chemical industry and other branches of industry.

We offer spiral heat  exchangers for all medium types, wide temperature range and wide pressure range, for a wide range of industrial applications.

Manufacturing of Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel and Titanium Spiral Heat Exchangers
Спиральные теплообменники
Спиральные теплообменники
Спиральные теплообменники
Спиральные теплообменники

Heat Exhangers in Fermentation Section

admin 16 марта 2017

Dismountable heat exchangers - area of 100m2 and 30m2

Спиральные теплообменники в отделение ферментации

Спиральные теплообменники в отделение ферментации

Спиральные теплообменники в отделение ферментации

March 1, 2008

admin 13 февраля 2017

A contract has been signed with ORGANIKA concerning installation of spiral heat exchanger for distillery stillage processing on membrane machines.

АО BIOFUTURE, Lithuania (2012)

admin 13 февраля 2017

Монтаж станции системы оборотного водоснабжения модернизируемых отделений дистилляции и ректификации

Installation of circulation water supply system station in the distillation and rectification sections being revamped. 

Один из спиральных теплообменников (200 кв.м.) водоохладительной станции

One of spiral heat exchangers of water cooling station (area of 200 square meters)

Heat Exchangers of Cooling Loop of Circulation Water Supply System

admin 13 февраля 2017


Heat exchangers-coolers of circulation water.  Apart from their main function, which is collong, they fulfil an ecological function as well, namely they prevent process liquids from entering river water. The heat exchangers are designed for staged operaton, depending on river water temperature.   

Three heat exchangers, each with area of 200 square meters, and with overall heating capacity of 9 MW.

Теплообменники 200 кв.м, тепловая мощность 9 МВт.

Теплообменники контура охлаждения системы оборотного водоснабжения

Теплообменники рассчитаны на работу поступлении, в зависимости от температуры воды


admin 8 декабря 2011

Spiral Heat Exchangers - 100m2 , 30м2

Spiral Heat Exchangers

Spiral Heat Exchangers

Spiral Heat Exchangers

February 29, 2008

admin 2 июня 2011

Based on the results of the independent energy audits more than 70% of total number of the installed spiral heat exchangers are used in recuperative technology cycles of alcohol production, it allows to reduce specific heat consumption (organic fuel) of the plant. 

The average saving that was achieved due to the operation of our heat exchangers in Ukraine over the operating period within the years of 2006-2007 (11 months) reaches more than 4,4 million m3 of gas per year of the plants of the state concern ''UKRSPIRT''.


March 30, 2008

admin 4 мая 2010

Having installed spiral heat exchangers in recuperative cycles and process improvement at the state owned enterprise Chervonoslobodskoy Alcohol Plant, we reached 3,9-4,2 mof gas per one dal of pure alcohol which is in average 35%-40% less comparing to the previous period.