The T-type heat carrier is the most effective device for heat recovery of a liquid, has a wide range of applications and, thanks to a special design, allows you to increase the temperature coefficient of efficiency to the maximum level, minimize the thickness of the absorbing material, pressure losses for heat recovery. The thermal oxidation furnace reduces production costs as much as possible.
Specific heat (Kj/m3-C) | Specific weight (kg / m3) | Void Volume % | The specific gravity of ceramics |
670 | 640-1060 | 53-72 | 2.25-2.35 |
Water absorption (ASTMC373) | Acid resistance, strength (ASTMC279) | Maximum operating temperature °C | Cooling during welding kg / SSM |
<0.5% | <4% | 1180 | 4210-7340 |